Paint Mosaics
On a random Tuesday, I stumbled upon the amazing Mrmo Tarius' hand painted tiles and it blew my mind. Never before I have seen something so original.
I just kept thinking what I could use it for. It's not really suitable for gamedev. Mrmo seems to be an artist and his creations are beautiful - but I'm a programmer. And it wouldn't take long until an opportunity appeared where I could use this tileset in a school project!

So I made a mosaics generator
I grabbed Godot and put together a simple mosaics generator. Most of my time was spent by cutting up the original tileset into more manageable and coherent pieces.
It's killer feature is, that you can define mosaics with math expressions.
- Index into a tileset
- Define tile rotation with an expression
- Most tilesets contain multiple colors of the same tile
- Layer your creations on top of each other
So check out my little generator, if you are interested! Also - I wrote a blog article about it!
In the end, I think this tileset is much better suited to be played with manually. The author's creations are just super impressive to me.