When scrolling Twitter, I really like seeing gifs of other people’s games and game development progress. And I also do things like that sometimes! So I made a little bash script so that I don’t have to google how to use ffmpeg
all the time.
Usage: You give it a path and the resulting gif will be placed in your current working directory.
# Check if exactly one argument is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 1 ]; then
echo "Supply a <file> to be turned into a gif!"
exit 1
# Extract the filename without the path
base_filename=$(basename "$input_file")
# Replace the extension with .gif and ensure it's in the current directory
# Use ffmpeg to convert the file to GIF
ffmpeg -i "$input_file" -vf "fps=10" "$output_file"
I work on a Mac, so I only really tested this with .mov
files. This is what Quicktime player produces from a screen recording, don’t ask me why. But this command should work for any video file type, since ffmpeg
looks at the file extension to determine what it’s working with.
I have it aliased to gif
in my .zshrc
alias gif="~/Scripts/gif.sh"